Q: Who owns West Valley Wild Lacrosse?
A: West Valley Wild Lacrosse is a nonprofit organization, so we are a community-based organization that belongs to the public at-large. The parties responsible to operate the organization are our members and elected board of directors.
Q: Where do West Valley Wild Lacrosse players come from?
A: Our players mainly come from Glendale, Peoria, and Phoenix, Arizona and attend Mountain Ridge, Barry Goldwater, Deer Valley, Glendale Prep, Joy Christian, Liberty, Sandra Day O’Connor, and Sunrise Mountain high schools.
Q: Can I play for West Valley Wild Lacrosse if I do not attend these high schools?
A: Yes, if we are the nearest high school lacrosse club to your school or the nearest high school lacrosse club to your residence.
Q: Are there exceptions to these eligibility rules?
A: Beginning in 2016, the Arizona Lacrosse League stated that there will be no new exceptions to the eligibility rules; this ensures that students from area high schools are on the same team. The use of an ineligible player results in forfeiture and possible disqualification.
Q: Is there a Code of Conduct?
A: Yes. Every player must abide by our club’s Code of Conduct which addresses behavior both on and off the playing field. It also addresses the use of alcohol and other controlled substances. There are penalties for violating the Code of Conduct and will be addressed by the coaching staff, board of directors, and the parents.
Q: Can a new player be competitive?
A: New players can become highly competitive through dedication and effort. Every season we have new players who work hard and become key contributors. What players do outside of practice and game time is the most important to skill development. New players need to work on their stick skill and the best tool for this is wall ball drills. Many of the fundamentals of lacrosse come quickly to boys who have played other sports like football, soccer, hockey, and basketball.
Q: When is the lacrosse season?
A: The official season is in the Spring. We start practice in early January and play games from February through early May.
Q: What is Fall Ball?
A: Fall Ball begins in October to introduce new players to the sport of lacrosse and to begin to prepare existing players for the upcoming season.
Q: Do I need equipment for Fall Ball?
A: We strongly believe in growing the sport of lacrosse risk free. Not only is Fall Ball free, but we also provide free loaner equipment to new players to learn lacrosse. Equipment supplies are limited and are provided on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Q: What equipment do players need for the spring season?
A: Lacrosse is not an AIA sanctioned sport so players are responsible for their own equipment. All equipment should be specifically designed for lacrosse. Players need a stick, white helmet, gloves, elbow pads, NOCSAE Compliant chest protector/shoulder pads, mouth guard, and protective cup. Rib pads and bicep pads are optional. Cleats do not have to be lacrosse specific, football and soccer cleats will work fine. Game jerseys and shorts will be purchased by the player at the beginning of the season and will be yours for your entire HS career.
Q: Where can we buy equipment?
A: Sporting goods stores such as Dick’s Sporting Goods carry lacrosse gear. Online websites such as Sportstop.com, Lacrossemonkey.com, Lax.com, Lacrosseunlimited.com, and Laxworld.com all carry huge selections of lacrosse gear. More affordable options include used sporting goods stores such as Play It Again Sports and searching Craigslist for used lacrosse equipment.
Q: When Is player registration?
A: Player registration begins in October at our kickoff meeting. Please contact us if you need registration paperwork.
Q: Is there late registration?
A: Yes, we are committed to growing the sport of lacrosse and strive to integrate players into our program year-round. December 31 is our registration deadline for the spring season, however, we will accept late registrations up until February 1.
Q: Why do players need to be members of USA Lacrosse to play?
A: West Valley Wild Lacrosse plays in the Arizona Lacrosse League, which is a USA Lacrosse member organization. As such, all West Valley Wild Lacrosse players are required to be USA Lacrosse members through the end of the season. USA Lacrosse also provides insurance coverage as part its membership fee. This insurance is required in order to practice or play with our league.
Q: Why are your fees lower than other lacrosse clubs?
A: We are a nonprofit and as a community organization, we rely on the hard work of our volunteers, as well as donations, fundraisers, and sponsorships to keep our fees affordable to grow the sport of lacrosse.
Q: How can we help?
A: Parent participation is fundamental to the success of our organization. We have a number of critical positions that must be staffed each season by parent volunteers. Committees include Apparel, Equipment, Fields, Fundraising, Grants, Medics, Photography, Recruiting, Social Media, Video, and Website.